Thursday, June 9, 2011


Things that make me say WTF!!!

People who wait until they have all their groceries rung up and then start to fill out their check.. Hello fill out what you can ahead of time, and who uses checks to shop anyway?

Women who don’t shave..ever…anywhere…

Bad personal hygiene.. F.Y.I your ears, nails, and nose need to be cleaned on a regular basis.

People who drink and then want to talk shit or worst talk shit and then get sick.

Woman who because of their own insecurities hate instead of giving props where props are due.

When I miss a sale at Arden B.

Cheap… let me say it again Cheap Ass Women….

Ignorant people; you can’t buy class your born with it.

When someone offers you a blanket because your cold and it looks like its been through some thangs..

Ok,, I’ve done this one but still hate it.. you have a function and you tell people its starts at 4PM and they START arriving at 6PM..URGG!!

People who forget to say please and thank you.

People who allow their children to tear up and never discipline them, but then want to call you talking about….  ”I don’t know why Johnny keeps getting in trouble?”

A woman or man that cant boil water..

People who bring their babies to the movies.

Waiting in long lines…just because

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